Intro to Krav Maga & Evidence Based Self-Defense® System (2 People)


Classes run every Sunday from May 5th through July 21st, 2024
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Details: 12-session with 18-hours of learning with Shaan Saar’s Chief Instructor Gabriel Mora (Board Certified Threat Management & Workplace Violence Specialist & Licensed Human Trafficking Investigator).

This class packages is for 2 people. Couples, roommates, friends or friends.

Class topics include (but are not limited to) the fundamentals of Krav Maga as a defensive tactics system for personal safety, in addition to the 4-step systematic methodology of the Evidence Based Self Defense® system for awareness, self defense, threat elimination, weapons (force multipliers, survival and retention), and legal topics relate to self defense and safety.

Classes are co-educational. For mens or boys only, and women’s or girls only learning opportunities please contact 407-730-1523.

Uniforms are not required for class. Please dress comfortably and bring bottled water.

Please choose your tee-shirt sizes below.

Shirt 2:
Shirt 1:
Enroll Now
Oversize EBSD Blanket
Magen Star Rash Guard
Intro to Krav Maga & Evidence Based Self-Defense® System (3 People)
EBSD Eco Hoodie
Travel Bag