why are we more productive in a group than on our own: Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando

The Power of Accountability in the Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando Tribe

Why we Are More Productive in a Group Than On Our Own?

As a student of evidence-based self-defense at Shaan Saar Krav Maga, we know you're constantly striving to improve your skills and abilities, both in and outside of class.

If you are are student elsewhere or self defense classes, Krav Maga, or JuJitsu is just something you are beginning to explore this blog by Criminal Behavior Analyst, Defensive Tactics instructor and founding partner of the Shaan Saar Group, Reneé Rose will help you understand why group accountability is more effective than being accountable to yourself. Keep in mind that while you read the guidance is helpful for Krav Maga, martial arts, physical fitness, or any other life changing pursuit.

Whether you're a beginner who has just taken your first Krav Maga course or an experienced practitioner of combat training, you know that your progress is determined by your dedication and hard work.

But sometimes life just does not go as planned and we need to strategize around the unexpected twists and turn life throws at us, illness, and injury. When we face difficulties or challenges, it's common to lose our motivation and fall off track. This is because adversity can disrupt our focus and confidence, making it harder to stay committed to our goals.

Don't give up!

Shaan Saar Krav Maga is here to help you build psychological flexibility, a key driver to building resilience, a growth mindset, and practical techniques for stress management.

When you are part of a team or unit, especially a supportive one, setbacks feel more manageable and it becomes easier to stay committed. In fact, working through adversity is what builds resilience and mental toughness.

It's important to remember that setbacks and obstacles are a natural part of the journey towards success, and we must learn to navigate them in order to achieve our desired outcome. By developing resilience and a growth mindset, we can overcome adversity and bounce back stronger than before.

But staying positive, committed, and accountable in the face of adversity can be exceptionally difficult when we go it alone. This is why being part of a productive team with a growth mindset, especially when learning intense personal safety concepts such as Krav Maga, JuJitsu, and other defensive tactics.

Staying Motivated With The Process of Learning Self Defense

One of the most effective ways to stay motivated and push yourself to new heights is through accountability. This is why the Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando Tribe is so integral for our learning community. When we are part of a group, we are more likely to stay focused on our goals and commit to the process of learning, even when we need to take time off for injury, travel, or illness.

In this blog, we'll explore why accountability is more productive in a group than by yourself and if you would like to explore learning options at Shaan Saar Krav Maga, we'll cover those as well!

Let's take a look at 4 factors that make group accountability a crucial part of learning evidence based self defense and living optimally.

#1 Supportive Environment at Shaan Saar Krav Maga Training Center

Being part of a group that provides a supportive environment can help you stay on track and motivated. When you're surrounded by like-minded individuals who are working towards the same goals, it's easier to stay focused and committed. Additionally, it can significantly enhance the level of accountability necessary in the acquisition of a challenging skill set such as evidence based self defense class. The group provides an opportunity for individuals to share their progress, discuss roadblocks encountered, and find effective ways to overcome them. This collaboration enables individuals to stay motivated, focused, and persistent in their pursuit of mastering the required skill set.

Shared Responsibility for Learning in Self Defense Classes

In a group, you have shared responsibility, which means that you're accountable not just to yourself but to others as well. When you make a commitment to your group, you're more likely to follow through because you don't want to let your teammates down.

When it comes to setting and achieving goals in Krav Maga training and Evidence Based Self Defense Classes Orlando, keep in mind that shared responsibility extends to both instructors and students; each plays a crucial role in the process. Your instructor is responsible for providing clear guidance, constructive feedback, and a physically safe learning environment. Every student at Shaan Saar Krav Maga is responsible for putting forth sincere effort, staying consistent, asking questions when needed, and following through on the guidance provided.

Having regular one-on-one follow ups with the Chief Instructor to discuss your progress is helpful to the learning process. For those students who participate in Trauma Informed Self Defense classes at Shaan Saar Krav Maga, touching base with your instructor or myself when something is unclear, complicated, or overwhelming will help to build your voice, solidify strong self advocacy skills, and build healthy coping strategies.

At Saar Krav Maga, instructors and students can achieve successful mastery of evidence based self-defense skills, mental fortitude, and improved stress management skills by working together and holding each other accountable.

Reinforcing learning through a social environment helps students learn Krav Maga, self defense, and stress inoculation in a more meaningful way which in turn benefits retention.

#2 Peer Feedback: Social Learning To Strengthen Mental Fortitude

Accountability also allows for constructive peer feedback which is incredibly valuable when it comes to improving your skills in Krav Maga and self defense. Shaan Shaar Krav Maga Chief Instructor Gabriel Mora is known for his attention to detail with students in class, observing skills and making adjustments for learning styles, injuries, and biomechanics quickly and efficiently.

By sharing your progress and receiving constructive feedback from your peers, you can identify areas of improvement and make the necessary adjustments to reach your goals. A supportive peer group, like the tribe at Shaan Saar Krav Maga, can also help to normalize setbacks and help you learn to work through them more efficiently.

Ultimately, by being part of a supportive group environment accustomed to routinely providing each other with feedback means means students can harness the benefits of collective effort and achieve significant growth and development.

#3 Healthy Competition: Minus the Martial Arts Competition

In a group setting, healthy competition can be a powerful motivator. It is natural that when you see others making progress it can push you to work harder and strive for similar results. Competition can also be a source of inspiration, as you see what's possible when you put in the effort and dedication. Relatability shows you what is possible!

Is Krav Maga A competitive PRACTICE or SPORT?

No. Krav Maga in its authentic sense is translated to mean close quarters combat; which is defensive tactics self defense where the agenda is survival, arrest and control. One cannot necessarily compete in the full sense of the word in Krav Maga. Self defense classes should have a learning objective which includes an understanding of the psychology behind violence and how it relates to our autonomic system.

Clearly this is not something being taught in competition fighting or combat fitness classes. I don't dispute they may instill a mental toughness of sorts, but that does not achieve the objection of violence prevention and threat management that evidence based self defense™ does.

Further, competitive martial arts dojos frequently foster toxic environments. When trying to build a solid skill set having appropriate learning reinforcement through environment and leadership is key. It is not uncommon for competitive dojos to see students pitted against each other and unhealthy posturing can lead to overly aggressive training partners, or hazing tactics directed at new members. This frequently leads to injuries and lack of trust among the class.

The focus on external validation through medals, trophies, and belts can detract from the true purpose of self defense skills, which is self-improvement and personal growth. This is why I find self defense classes in dedicated competitive dojos for Karate and after school programs to be an especially poor choice for someone searching for quality of education.

Shaan Saar Krav Maga Encourages Students but Does Not Coddle

Let's be clear, competition is a great motivator and participation trophies send the wrong message about the value of diligent work. The unproductive competitive environment I am addressing here is one which creates unethical behavior and hostile relationships. An unproductive learning environment can deeply engrain a fear of failure versus intellectual curiosity and healthy risk taking. They can also create unnecessary stress and anxiety which is not an optimal environment for mastering any type of skill, let alone building productive stress response and judgement in use of force.

When teaching Krav Maga and other defensive tactics it is especially important to ensure these behaviors do not take place in the learning environment.

#4 Increased Sense of Accountability

Being part of a group can have a positive impact on one's sense of accountability and the reinforcement of new skills. When the dynamic fosters a culture of motivation and support, it can contribute to a higher level of accountability among members.

When committed to a common goal, group members are more likely to hold themselves accountable for their actions and work towards achieving assigned tasks. Additionally, the reinforcement of new skill sets is often more effective within a group setting as members can share knowledge and provide constructive feedback. As such, group participation can create a valuable learning environment that encourages the development of new skills and their practical application.

In Sickness and in Health: The Tribe Vibe

When rehabilitating from an injury or illness, group accountability takes on even greater significance. Since the support and encouragement of others who have experienced similar situations can be especially motivating and empowering. Students at Shaan Saar Krav Maga have widely varied backgrounds and having someone who can relate to the setbacks of life helps to maintain moral and direction as you work toward mastering concepts in Krav Maga self defense.

Additionally, when working towards recovery, it is important to have a team of people who are invested in your progress and hold you accountable for your actions. With group accountability, individuals are more likely to stay on track with their rehabilitation goals, make progress, and persevere through challenges.

Ultimately, the shared responsibility and sense of community fostered by group accountability can greatly benefit those seeking to recover from injury or illness.

Accountability is a crucial component of individual success and when you are part of the Shaan Saar Krav Maga tribe accountability is reinforced through a private app, accessible to you 24-hours a day. By being part of the tribe vibe at Shaan Saar helps you benefit from a supportive environment, shared responsibility, peer feedback, healthy competition, and an increased sense of accountability.

The bottom lines is being part of a supportive group guided by skilled instructors who understand social group dynamics necessary for motivation means you have a dramatically improved ability to achieve your goals and push yourself to new heights!

Ready to take your Krav Maga self defense and defensive tactics training to the next level? Need a productive solution oriented modality that teaches mental toughness? Turned off by most martial arts but see the value in learning self defense?

The Evidence Based Self Defense™ and Trauma Informed Self Defense™ programs at Shaan Saar Krav Maga could be for you! Schedule your prerequisite learning session now or explore more about the self defense classes near you.

Criminal Behavior Analyst and Defensive Tactics Instructor Reneé Rose

Evidence Based Self Defense™, Trauma Informed Self Defense™, and Transform Fear® are trademarks of Shaan Saar LLC all rights reserved. We routinely enforce trademark infringements via all legally available channels. For redistribution please contact Shaan Saar LLC. All website content including blog content is intellectual property of Shaan Saar LLC © 2023, all rights reserved.


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