social emotional self defense

Martial arts is a wonderful recreational activity but was not designed to speak to social emotional aspects of a lifespan developmental stages. While martial arts educators are frequently skilled in physical preparedness their training does not extend into the psychological timeline of violence, military science or behavioral psychology of offenders. These elements, combine with extensive education in defensive tactics, personal security and a trademarked evidence based self defense™ approach make our program an intersectional, comprehensive experience necessary for the world we live in.

Rather than being afraid of the unknown, learning to navigate the world with reflexive thinking and physical response helps us prioritize both physical and emotional safety. In fact, changing the way we think and respond to personal safety and conflict means we can live richer, healthier and happier lives; advocate for ourselves in difficult situations and have the courage to make difficult changes. Our team has taken a proactive, academic approach in exploring violence and societal conflict to create a physical, intellectual and social emotional program that addresses root causes versus single dimensional physical response.

Mastering empathy, self advocacy, personal identity, interpersonal conflict management and the ability to establish and maintain healthy relationships are essential to improved long term social, emotional and academic wellness. Meta studies on SEL indicate that children who participate in these programs make healthier choices, are better able to resist inappropriate peer pressure and have significantly improved ability to self regulate.

With respect to martial arts, the Shaan Saar group offers a social emotional education that will help young people practice self advocacy, identify red flag behaviors in both peers and adults, verbalize boundaries, protect themselves with Evidence-Based Self Defense™ concepts that are irrespective to physical strength and successfully manage post-incident response. Your children will still learn physical response, non-sport elements of “groundwork” (Japanese Jiu-Jitsu, Catch Wrestling and Hisardut), eliminating threats from a standing position, striking, blocking and Israeli Krav Maga in a high intensity interval style fashion in our trademarked evidence based self defense™ social emotional format.

Our team has over 70-years in both academics and physical response to violence including: federal law enforcement, military, behavioral analysis, Israeli trained Krav Maga and the US Threat and Countermeasures National Nuclear Administration.

Our founders were motivated to create this ground breaking program and longitudinal research study in response to having young children and a large number of students who dealt with the traumatic effects of physical, social and cyberbullying and physical assault. Those experiences brought the issues of systemic violence among young people much closer to home and sparked a mission to create a program that incorporated all elements on the timeline of violence / conflict for a solution based, multi-faceted approach that could work for children from all neuro backgrounds.

Call / Text today to see if our program is the right fit for your child.


What is trauma informed self defense™ ?